At LKM we offer classes in many different styles across the performing arts to suit all ages, abilities and experience. Our aim is to offer your child the opportunity to experience as many genres as possible and have a fantastic time in the performing arts journey. If you know the classes you'd like to enrol in, just click here, or if you need some help please contact one of our friendly LKM team.
Similar to the floor skills of gymnastics, it is a high energy performing art that focuses on strength, stretch, balance and partnering work (stunting). Basic tumbling includes backbends, cartwheels, handstands/headstands, rolls, walkovers, handsprings, aerial tricks and more.
BALLET (Classical - RAD)
A traditional and classical form of dance that provides a strong and solid technical base. With its grace, strength and discipline, a dancer will see a significant improvement in all their dance styles. After sufficient study of ballet, a student may be advanced to Pointe work. Exams are optional. All Performance Troupe members MUST take one classical class per week.
This is one just for the boys and gives them the opportunity to dance without any ridiculing from their peers. In this class our boys start with the basic hip hop moves and progress to more advanced moves throughout the year. The boys love all the funky tricks and breakdance moves that they learn - so cool! Working hard throughout the year on their dance moves and body strength, they will also learn a routine for the concerts.
Cheerleading combines elements of gymnastic tumbling, dance, acrobatics and traditional cheerleading skills such as jumps and motions. It is fantastic for building fitness, self-esteem, teamwork, and is all inclusive! We offer cheer for non-competitive as well as competitive.
A technical and free form of dance done in bare feet, this is a very athletic form of dance, concerned with transitions of weight, fall and recovery as well as alignment. Using a combination of Classical Ballet and Modern technique, this class provides a freer form of movement that is expressive of feelings.
Drama is a fun and dynamic program which aims to develop confidence, creativity, imagination and communication skills. Students will learn dialogue, perform all whilst having a ball! Combine this with our Theatre Skills class and your child will learn all the tricks of stage make-up, costuming and all the secrets that are backstage!
Jazz has been a popular high energy form of dance for many years and is the most popular of all our classes. Classes begin with a high energy "stamina" warm up followed by stretching, corner technique (kicks, turns, etc) centre combinations and choreography. Jazz classes will enable students to learn the widest range of skills and correct technique while using current music and movements. Our jazz classes take many forms, from the latest funk to more traditional styles.
JFH (Jazz ~ Funk ~ Hip Hop)
JFH is a mix of Jazz, Funk & Hip hop. Classes begin with a high energy “Stamina” warm up followed by stretching and corner technique, combinations and choreography. It is a very commercial class and also has the elements of hip-hop used more so in combinations and the choreography which can include popping, locking and break dancing.
Our Hip Hop classes are full of high energy freestyle dance form that includes elements of breakdancing, popping, locking, street dancing and jazz into one of the most popular forms today.
Our Lyrical Ballet classes are based on a combination between classical ballet and modern technique. They are less strict in form compared to a Ballet class. This class provides students with technique and allows them to express feelings whilst moving freely.
This class is a great technique class that helps dancers improve strength and flexibility while helping them develop stronger kicks, jumps and turns.
Where dance, singing and drama meet - the Triple Threat! Students will study well-known Broadway musicals and learn a range of songs, dialogue and dance sequences exploring the emotional content of the piece - humour, love, sorrow, anger - as well as how the story itself is communicated through the words, music, movement and technical aspects of the entertainment as an integrated whole.
TAP (Glenn Wood Syllabus)
Tap is a form of dance wherein rhythmic sounds are created by the feet, in a series of regulated and controlled movements. Classes incorporate the classic steps of tap dancing while adding a fresh approach to choreography. Following the GWT Syllabus (Glenn Wood Tap) dancers learn to coordinate rhythm, agility, and musicality to execute clear tap sounds and movement. Exams are optional.