With over 100 classes per week to choose from, there's something for everyone! We have classes for students from 3 years of age through to adult fitness and fun dance classes.
It doesn't matter if you've never performed before, we cater to all levels and abilities. Our trained teaching staff will do their very best to bring out the "star" in every child.
Classes are based on age and/or ability so when enrolling online you will be automatically "guided" to the classes suitable for your child. Students can join us "just for fun" or to take their performing further, competing in eisteddfods, competitions and community events. Our Performance Troupes (dance) and Cheer Teams require students to audition before being accepted into the class - if you're joining us from another studio with previous experience, or if you're interested in taking your dance or cheer to the next level, please contact us so we can have a chat with you.
QUEENS BIRTHDAY - Monday 10/6 (term 2) - all classes will run as normal
TERM 3 & TERM 4 will return on the last Saturday of the school holidays - this is to make up for classes that will not run on mid year and end of year concert days.
PUPIL FREE DAYS - classes are held on school pupil free days unless they fall on dates noted above. These days can vary across state, private and catholic schools, so please make sure you come to class!

The quickest and easiest way to register for classes is through our online "Parent Portal" - you can click here or find the button at the top right of our home page. You will need a valid email address that is checked regularly. You will be asked to enter in your "account" (parent/carer information) and details for each child you are registering. An annual registration fee is payable at the time of registering - the fee is $30 per student and is non-refundable. This is paid online via the Parent Portal registration process. Please note that your place in class/es is not confirmed until the registration fee has been paid.
Please ensure that ALL information is completed when registering. Contact email and phone numbers are very important in the event of an emergency. If your child has a medical condition that we should be aware of please ensure that we are notified of this in writing - email with the details.
If you are unable to enrol online, you can download a registration form here- this must be completed in full and returned with your registration fee BEFORE your child starts. We will contact you to confirm if a place is available.
If a class is showing as full, you have the option to add your name to the waiting list - if a place becomes available we will contact you to offer you the spot, if you decline or we don't hear back from you we move on to the next person waiting and you will be removed from the list.
We hold a “Welcome to Dance Day” at the Winmalee studio in January for any new or returning students to come and meet the team, purchase uniforms and shoes. Or if you’re having trouble choosing classes we will be happy to help you. A great chance to organise your dance uniform and shoes so you’re ready to go when classes start!
To get the most from classes, it's important that students attend regularly. Attendance is marked at each class directly into our Studio software - you can check your child's attendance in your Parent Portal. Refunds for non attendance are not available, however students are able to attend a "make up" class - this must be organised through contact with
When enrolling, it is expected that the student will participate in that class for the whole year, so there is no need to re-enrol each term. If you decide to discontinue or transfer to another class, please email with the details - students may transfer if there is a place available but must wait for confirmation before starting the new class. Please notify the office of any class changes for the following term PRIOR to the completion of the current term.
**Fees for any classes discontinued part way through the term are non refundable)**
We don't like killing trees! All communication is handled electronically via email, text or Facebook posts to our "closed" group.
Your online “Parent Portal” (available 24/7) is where you can pay your account online, update personal details, check your “dance schedule”, review your account transactions, check for emails sent to you, send us a note, register for classes and more! The link is always available from our website but it’s also a good idea to “bookmark” it on your computer, smart phone, iPad or tablet. Each term we issue the "LKM STAR NEWS" - our newsletter to keep everyone in the loop!
• Fees are charged at the beginning of each term. Fees are calculated for the full term and invoices emailed out at the beginning of each term. You can also access the information via your Parent Portal.
• Fees are payable in full by the end of week 1 of each term.
• A fortnightly direct debit option is available to help families with the budget. Please contact for more information – this must be in place before the payment is due.

Our Studios are a "safe place" for your children - all teachers have a valid WWCC (Working With Children Check) and many have First Aid training. Any incidents or concerns should be notified to us.
Please be careful in our carparks when parking your car, or if dropping off your child. Please do not outstay the permitted parking time on the streets near the studios, as the streets are patrolled and you run the risk of being booked.
If you are dropping off your child, please ensure that they enter the building. Students are not permitted to wait outside for their lift. Parents, for your child's safety, please come into the Studio to meet your child when their class is finished. Teen and Senior students who drive should always walk to their car with a "dance buddy"
• Please arrive at the Studios with adequate time to park, prepare for class, change, bathroom visits etc.
• LKM Dance is not responsible for any lost personal items of clothing, jewellery, shoes, school books, iPads, iPods etc. Please help us return lost items to you by labeling every item that comes into the Studio. Please check the lost property bins if you have left something behind. Throughout the year we clean out the lost property bins with any remaining items being donated to charity.
• NO SMOKING OR ALCOHOL anywhere on the premises or carparks.
• No food or drink is permitted on the dance floors. Students should bring a bottle of water to each class to stay hydrated. If students are attending several classes in on session, a light snack is appropriate. Any food or drink rubbish is to be placed in the bin provided.
• We will not tolerate any bullying, aggressive or inappropriate behaviour. Should this occur students will be given a warning and we will notify their parent/carer. If the behaviour continues, they will be removed from the class. Enrolment may be cancelled if inappropriate behaviour continues after these warnings.
• Please encourage your child/ren to be kind, friendly and respectful to their class mates and their teachers. Lead by example.
“You can dance for yourself, but the true joy of dancing is in the sharing"
** MID-YEAR CONCERT – SATURDAY 29 JUNE AND SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019 (Most students will not be required both days)
A family friendly event held at a local high school where students are able to demonstrate their progress in their performing art studies at a low-key event. Costumes are kept simple and inexpensive, using our uniform as a base and accessorising with items from the student’s own clothing or our LKM Wardrobe.
(All students) *Note Technical Rehearsal Friday 6 December*
Every child is given the opportunity to perform - if a student will not be performing, please let us know in writing (email) by the end of Term 2. Teachers will need to alter choreography and placements and any last minute drop outs make it extremely difficult for all involved.
TICKETS for concerts are sold “online” approximately four weeks before the shows. Previous concerts have been sold out, so don’t leave your ticket purchase to the last minute! We do our best to keep the ticket prices as affordable as possible, but we do need to cover the high production and venue costs. Performers do not need a ticket as they are backstage during the concert.
PROFESSIONAL PHOTOSHOOT & CONCERT DVD - for the end of year concert, professional portrait photographs will be taken of students in their costumes (at the Studio) on a weekend in November, before the concert. These are available soon after the event, via online purchase (digital files). A professional video production company attends our concert creating a fantastic DVD – these are ordered online and are available usually within a couple of weeks after the concert.
COSTUMES - sourcing fantastic costumes at a reasonable price is always a challenge, but we work hard to achieve this each year. Costumes are hired from the LKM Wardrobe, saving parents from spending hundreds of dollars on costumes that you won't ever use again! (Our Tiny Stars will keep their costumes for play!) To assist families, a costume fee of $22.50 is charged to each student for each class they attend in Terms 2 and 3 (total $45 per costume) – this is added to your dance fee invoice. If you’d like to pay this off from the beginning of the year, please contact our accounts office for more information.
CONCERT PERFORMER PACK - all students performing in the end of year concert will receive a concert t-shirt (used for the finale), a medal and one digital photo from our photoshoot. A charge of $32 per student will be included in your term 4 invoice

The LKM Performance Troupes and Cheer Teams are for students who are interested in competing in eisteddfods, performances and competitions throughout the year – performing at the highest level they can achieve. Dance Troupe students are trained in jazz, tap, ballet, contemporary and musical theatre styles of dance. Routines are performed at various community events and shows, and also at a competitive level in eisteddfods. In addition to competing in a Troupe, students have the option of learning solo or duo routines for eisteddfods. Our Cheer Teams may also perform at community events and compete throughout the year in Cheer competitions.
Our Troupes and Cheer teams have been very successful in past, with all students showing a commitment and passion for for their art. These specialised classes are focused on the students achieving their very best with 100% commitment from teachers and students. The classes are disciplined and run in a safe, inspiring and caring environment. Parents or students preferring more “fun” or “recreational” classes should enroll in our fun stream of classes. Before a student and their family make a commitment to LKM Dance Studios to become a member of our teams, it is important that you understand everything that will be expected of you. We expect team members to commit to the full year as choreography, lifts & tricks, costumes, compeition entries etc., are organised around the full team being present for the year. This is a “team” commitment relying on each individual to give 100%.
Tryouts and assessment for our Performance Troupes and Cheer Teams are generally held at the end of the year, however a student may be “invited” to try out throughout the year if our staff recognise a special talent (initial contact will be made with the parent or guardian so as not to disappoint the student if Troupe is not suited to your family’s circumstances).
It is essential that the student attends all their classes each week - this a team and we rely on everyone giving 100% at EVERY class. If attendance is unsatisfactory then you will be jeopardising your place in the team.
Many strong friendships have been forged in our Troupes over the years. Being part of the LKM Performance Troupes or Cheer Teams is an exciting and rewarding experience for both the dancer and their families!

Your child will learn and develop at their own pace which will differ to other students in their class. They may be less or more talented than others. This is not anyone's fault, not theirs, not their teacher's and not yours.
Your role is to be a financier, a chauffeur and a cheerleader! There is no need to coach or critique, that’s our job. Be your child’s biggest fan and supporter.
Trust in your teachers’ ability to see and know what is best for your child's dancing development and understand that this may not necessarily be what you think is best. Appreciate that while your child is one of many, he or she is as important as any other student at the studio.

Respect your fellow dance “families” and never compare children. Appreciate the talents of the other students in the studio and always adopt a "team" attitude.
If you are having concerns about your child’s development, let us know! Communication is the key, as what you see at home may not be what we see at the studio (and vice versa). We are all on the same team and only want what’s best for your child, so let’s work together, stay connected and give your child every opportunity that we can!